Tuesday, May 18, 2010

If you give a Moose a Muffin

Dodson is loving the "if you give a ____ a ______" books by Laura Joffe Numeroff.  They are great books to read to kids because they help kids predict what comes next.  Dodson pretty much has the book memorized.  We decided to have a morning to celebrate our love of the "If you give a Moose a Muffin" one today.  The first thing we did was read the book... I would pause after each page and let Dodson predict what would come next.  He loves the pictures, and cracks up at the story.  He loves a specific picture of the moose standing on two legs, (and at this point in the story we discuss 2 legged animals vs. 4 legged animals.)  We decided to draw this picture and use Dodson's hands for antlers.

 I didn't have the camera out at this point b/c I didn't think about it, but I sketched the moose the best I could and we mixed brown and white to make two shades of brown - light and dark.  Dodson and I painted the moose dark and I used the light brown the paint Dodson's hands and we made the antlers using his handprints.... so cute!!!  Dodson LOVED it!  I then went over the edges of the painting with sharpie.  Then we made muffins using a good 'ole bag of mix + water... super easy!

 Dodson loved mixing and watching the muffins in the oven.

When we were all done we read the book again, ate muffins and talked about how we will make sock puppets later today (maybe...)


1 comment:

  1. My son loves that book too - all of her books are very entertaining. It looks like your son had a great morning!!
